Every election, the two old parties ignore Nebraska.
Sure, Nebraska might get a campaign stop here or there, and politicians will promise you changes on trade, cannabis legalization, and on your taxes, but do Republicans and Democrats really deliver for Nebraskans?
No. And like so many others, you’re left without a voice this election.
What if that changed? What if you could make your voice heard so loud and clear that it was impossible for politicians in DC to ignore?
This year, you can. By winning just one third party electoral vote in Nebraska, you can cause a contingent election and deny both Donald Trump and Joe Biden victory on election night.
Then they won’t be able to ignore Nebraska anymore.
Make Nebraska MatterNebraska is the heartland of America. Nebraska feeds the world. Yet despite making promises to Nebraskans on trade, cannabis, and taxes, Republicans and Democrats have taken your votes and ignored you. Farm tariffs are still high. Despite over 70% support for legalizing medical cannabis, it is still illegal. Sales taxes and property taxes are going up. Despite promising you change, the two old parties have brought none of it.
Make Nebraska MatterRepublicans and Democrats ignore you because they think they can. They think Nebraskan voters don’t matter. They see you as a “flyover state,” quaint, and farm country. They think they’ll always have your votes.
Let’s show them Nebraska Matters.
If we win just one third party electoral vote - that could be enough to stop both Joe Biden and Donald Trump from winning on election night, and send a clear message - if you think you can overlook Nebraska, think again.
Then they won’t be able to ignore Nebraska anymore.
Make Nebraska MatterReady to show Republicans and Democrats that Nebraska Matters?
Here’s what to do:
Use NE VoterView to find your polling location. Just enter your address and click “View Locations.”
When you arrive at the polling place, ask for a Libertarian ballot.
Vote for Lars Mapstead, Libertarian for President.
Ready to send the duopoly running scared? Let's send the two old parties, and America, a message they'll never forget.
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